DEFAP is a Company with very extensive experience in aeronautical software
development, including software for both civil and military aircraft.
We have developed simulators for flight training and maintenance training,
including test banks with their corresponding mulators.New technologies and advanced electronic components have allowed the development of new systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). DEFAP provides design and manufacturing engineering for development of this
DEFAP has participated in the development of aeronautical software for both on
board aircaft and ground systems. We have developed Mission Computer
systems, FMS, displays, MCDU, tactical navigation systems…
Our company can offer electronic warfare technologies like radar alert software,
interference technologies based on continuous or pulse waves, chaff
dispersing, flares, and radar systems.
We also have developed support ground technologies like mission planning
systems, post mission analysis, control systems and software for validation and
verification. We provide built-in aircraft hardware and software too.
DEFAP MANAGEMENT has developed flight and maintenance simulators. We
provide software and hardware for flight simulation, allowing the training of
Maintenance simulators allow to simulate the different aircraft subsystems for
maintenance personnel training, simulating potential failures that can occur in
an aircraft and its solution.
We have provided test banks for testing imbedded systems on ground, without
risk to pilots. This test banks include the necessary hardware and software that
enable communications between different subsystems to be tested. We also
provide emulators that enable the correct equipment testing.
Unmanned Aerial vehicles is one of the latest technological advances at
international level, Ala 2 didn´t want to be left out, currently, many economic
and technological efforts are assigned for UAV,s systems.
We have developing UAV,s subsystems, both inside the aircraft and ground
stations (GSS) for various projects and entire UAV´s systems, including aircraft
and ground station.
Our company are working in development of control subsystems, autopilot,
aircraft, navigation systems…